Saturday, April 26, 2008

Something to shut samuel's mouth up.


Has anyone watch An Inconvenient Truth on HBO this week?
i watch it yesterday and i felt asleep
its a pretty good show and i don't know.. after watching it
it just makes me ..paranoid?
like seeing unused electronic plugs begin plugged it.. - yea gotta unplug it .
i can say more but i think i should i keep it to myself before i start about my cleaning-door-knobs-which-im-obsess-with-bacteria-story.

i don't want to be like this..

moving on.........
i was tagged by chermayne!!
speaking of her
last week i met an 10yr old girl that look so much like Chermayne and we became friends!
she likes MCR . thats pretty good for 10 yr old .

List 5 Things You Wish For:


2. CD's of my favourite bands . (which they dont sell it here in music store..and i would like to point out the fact that every single music store i go there's always Sean Kingston .. WHY WHY WHY)

3) i agree with chermayne . we need more awesome bands here! :)

4) i wish for warped tour 2008 to come to Malaysia. (<-----impossible)

5) I.................. want to go for archery lessons .

The person who tagged you: Chermayneee.

Your first 5 impressions of her:

1) She KNOWS music.

2) she wish to banned lala's ( still in progress..)

3) having friendster stalkers. (thats was really fun...)

4) She likes GC and went their concert!

5) She.................. (sorry i got nothing. )

The most memorable thing she has ever done/given to you: (this is hard ..we only talk online la) ummm... she sends me good music?

The most memorable thing she has said to you: the only thing i can remember now is "Whats a most pit?' ..Chermayne ..we clearly need to talk more. HAHA

If she becomes your lover, you two will: like you said "If she becomes your lover" ?!!

If she becomes your enemy, the reason will be because: hmm..she probably talk shit bout paramore... i don't know .

5 people you tag:

1) Sarah Lim

2) Ivana ( you little girl...never update!)

3) Karling

4) Samuel Wong

5) Kah Veen.

Who is number 3 having a relationship with?

- No idea. wenyi ? ha ha

Who is number 5 having a relationship with?

- no idea.

If number 2 and 3 got together, would it be a good thing?

- as in friends ? or more than that ?

What about number 4 and 5?

- they was once together . go figure.

What is number 3 studying?

- same thing as i am . but i aint studying. she is .

When was the last time you chatted with number 5?

- ohh..way to long. kahveen we need to chat :)

Does number 4 work?

- he did . once. last year. once. yea.

Would you be with number 1?

- im with every wednesday and thursday. ;0 hah.

How about number 5?

- i havent met up with him since primary school . so why not ? we should hang out . :)

Does number 2 have any siblings?

- yea .. a brother named Aaron . (he stole my ring once...accidentally took it that is :)

How did you get to know number 2 and number 4?

- Number 2, during form 1 , she's my classmate and now my goodfriend.
- Number 4, standard 3 , he sat front? beside ? of me ..yea something like that and now he's my buddy.

Where does number 1 live?

- usj21 .

Is number 3 the sexiest person in the world?

- she should be . she will. she is . :)