Friday, January 18, 2008

randomness and some junk

i know i've not update in a really really really really long time, thanks to kahveen for reminding me that! well i cant really think of what to blog about right now...hmmmmmmmmm (5 minutes later)


(2 minutes later!)
school update- school is okay . im in 3 oracle now sitting beside nicole laughing my asss off everyday which is not a very good thing. teachers? i like my science teacher i dont like my geografi teacher! bla bla bla

ilovecobrastarship! :)

(few minutes later....)

oh ya my phone is gone!
it got stolen few days back when some idiot robbed my house !
jinx! damn it!

oh right! i took some photo of some stuff..err..well just photos ill upload it when ..when i upload it


ok i got nothing else.
goodbye people!
