Wednesday, December 5, 2007

tag tag tag tag tag tag tag tag tag tag . uhh

Finally i found some time to do this tag. i was tagged by sarah

5 things found in my bag: bag?wad bag.i dont usually bring bags along with me.
-some junk
-tissue .

5 things found in my purse:
-some junk
-money- but u rarely see it in it.
-some resits

5 favourite things in my room:
-cd playeR!
-pillows on the floor
-my sister.

5 things I've always wanted to do:
-something risky without ever thinking about the consequences
-Canada dude!
-see all my favourite bands playing live!
-play a full song on guitar!!!
-get all the cds i want.

5 things I'm currently into:
-Sleeping the whole day as it is my holidays now
-jimmy eat world
-looking outside my porch from inside my house. huh? (well i u see me do that i look very miserable.)
-aah i cant think of the last one! damn it !!

5 people I'm gonna tag:
-karling ( updates pls?)
-ivana! (nah something 4 u to update . go go go)
-anybody feeling bored as hell. go ahead~

Now playing: mia - i dont love you acoustic cover
via FoxyTunes