Tuesday, September 25, 2007

candles candles candles

Celebrated Mooncake Festival again but this time with Ivana =)

reached Ivana house bout 8.30pm like that
take the lift go up to her house(apartment la)
When i was in the lift i thought i was stuck in the lift again O
MG*shakes head*
but NO i just forgotten to press the buttons
ghhs always happens (dumbb)

.Ivana and i did this.
oops 2 candles not lighted
weird huh?
MakDino.Im a kid. yayy LOL!

so after playing with all the candles and stuff
we go lantern walking
but diden really turn out like 'lantern walking'
alot of lights are still on-
we were running like fools-
lantern kena bakar-

but still we loved it! =)

then went home bout 12.30pm.

-more pictures soon-